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Reporting Issues, Bugs, & Feature Requests

How to report things on Mina

If you notice a bug, issue, or missing feature, please follow the steps below:

1. Search existing issues

Before making a report, first search through existing issues to see if something similar has been reported.

2. Found a bug?

If your issue is a bug, related to the Mina website, or you have feedback about user experience, you can report it on the Mina Protocol repo on Github.

3. Found a vulnerability?

If your issue is a vulnerability that may be putting other people’s funds at risk or related to the protocol infrastructure, please report the issue via Mina’s Bounty Program at

4. Found an urgent issue?

If your issue is time-sensitive that needs immediate attention, please send more details and your contact information to A member of Mina’s engineering team will reach out promptly.


Our community learns best when we learn together. Please avoid sending issues by using Discord DMs. Instead, try the options listed here.

Join the security discussion

Thanks for your help in securing the network! To learn more and discuss Mina-related security topics, you can participate in the #security channel on Mina Protocol Discord.